The system of booking face to face (f2f) appointments has changed at Kinmylies. The Reception Team is no longer able to book patients in for face to face (f2f) appointments without express instructions from one of the relevant clinicians. . In order to provide the most efficient and accessible service for our patients, we ask the receptionists to add patient details to a list and one of the clinical team will call back for an initial telephone consultation. In almost every circumstance, all patient calls received by 1.00pm will receive a call back for a full telephone consultation on the same day. After 1.00pm all urgent calls will receive a call back on the same day. Patients with non-urgent calls will be asked to call back by 1.00pm the following day. In the course of the telephone consultation the clinician will discuss the issue with the patient which may well result in the patient being asked to attend a f2f appointment. The nature of our service means that this f2f appointment will usually be offered within 24 - 48 hours. If the patient would rather have the appointment further in the future to suit a particular day/time, then this can usually be accommodated. By any measure, this is an exceptional level of access. To assist in helping the system function, we ask that any new patient issue be dealt with by any of the relevant clinical team. Only current/ongoing issues will be referred to a specific clinician where you have already spoken to that particular clinician in the recent past. If the issue is ongoing, please indicate this to the reception team member. When a patient calls, they can request a call back time to suit them and whilst no guarantee is offered, the practice team will do their best to comply. Please Note....Kinmylies, like most other primary care providers, is not a drop-in clinic and does not offer any system whereby a patient can attend the practice and be seen immediately by any of the clinical team. On occasion, patients have arrived at the front reception desk and indicated their unwillingness to leave until they have been seen by a clinician. This is not possible and is not a service we provide. In such cases, the patient will be asked to leave their details for a telephone consultation, as above, or asked the call the following day. On no account can a patient insist on being seen. The patient will be asked to leave the building. Failure to comply with the guidance/instructions from the reception team will significantly jeopardise a patient's ability to remain with the practice.
Cancel an appointment You can cancel an appointment using using our short online form or call the practice with at least 24 hours notice.