Kinmylies Medical Practice
Assynt Road, Inverness, IV3 8PB
Telephone (01463) 239865

Patient Information

Accessing your medical records
Change of Address [new page]
Complaints and comments
Patient rights and responsibilities

Accessing your medical records

Following changes to the relevant data legislation, any patient can apply to see their medical records through what is called a Subject Access Request. There is no charge for this service.  However, if you ask for access more than once in a 12 month period then you may be liable for a £50 fee.  The request can be made in writing or verbally and the practice has up to 30 days to comply. We will usually ask if you would like to collect your data rather than sending this confidential information by post. We will only send this information to a 3rd party, eg an insurance company or solicitor with the patient's express permission.  Any forms which require to filled out are not covered by this legislation and the completion of forms will usually attract a fee. 

Complaints and comments

Should you be disappointed with any aspect of your care/treatment at Kinmylies or if you have a comment you wish to make, you can do so in writing or verbally.  These should normally be addressed to the Practice Manager but if you are unsure, please speak to one of the reception team for details..

Patient rights and responsibilities

Behaviour We aim to treat our patients with courteousy and respect at all times. We expect patients to treat our staff in a similar way. If a patient is aggressive or abusive, they will be given a warning.  If the behaviour persists, the patient may be removed from the practice list.

Cancellation of appointments We try to minimise the number of missed appointments. Please go online or phone to cancel your appointment if it is not needed, so that it can be allocated to another patient.  Patients who persistently miss appointments may be removed from the practice list.


Saturday & Sunday
0800 - 1800
0800 - 1800
0800 - 1230
1430 - 1800
0800 - 1800
0800 - 1800
Where We Are
Our Catchment Area

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